

March 18, 2020

V Patrika Staff - Toronto - Canada

Given a choice, the world might happily choose the global financial crisis of 2008 over the one inflicted by corona virus. When global economies crashed, they were shored up by powering up high tech printers, gushing out green backs.

Corona-Virus carries with it an unknown potential to devastate every aspect of our lives as we know it.

In a very short time, Corona Virus has severely disrupted the world's social, political, economical, environmental and demographical fabric. The global supply chain that prided itself on the path breaking, cost efficient, highly calibrated just-in-time delivery model now lie in tatters.

Corona Virus has severely disrupted the world's social, political, economical, environmental and demographical fabric.


The hubris that we are suddenly finding ourselves in makes the situation more serious by the fact that no amount of money pumping would steady the staggering markets. Sealing off of international borders may isolate the virus but will not steady the course for markets. In fact it is affecting the markets adversely.

A vaccine is the need of the hour and it was needed last week as a commercial vaccine. Yet, a fully tested vaccine is months away.

Countries are witnessing knee jerk reaction by world leaders, that is making matters worse. World leaders are not up-to the challenge of implementing a co-ordinated, well planned strategy to tackle this unforeseen calamity.

That co-ordination might come eventually, but by that time, unfortunately, many precious lives would have been lost and the world economy would have suffered a blood bath at the market place with trillions of dollars of wealth wiped off.

Hoarding of essential items is rampant, corporate greed is making life difficult for normal people.


Airlines, to take just one most visible example, on one hand are reaching out for their bowls as they pressurize their respective governments for economic package to tide over their losses, on the other hand, they are sharpening their hatchets to scalp all that they can from the hapless travellers stuck in the middle of this maelstrom of economic calamity.

The intricately interconnected world is straining to be as remote as possible than we had ever imagined. Border closures are the slogan of the day. Social distancing is the universally agreed upon prevention while the cure is underway.

V Patrika Staff- Toronto - Canada

write to the editor@vpatrika.com

vpatrika.com Staff

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